The robots exclusion standard, also known as the robots exclusion protocol or simply robots.txt, is a standard used by websites to communicate with web crawlers and other web robots. The standard specifies how to inform the web robot about which areas of the website should not be processed or scanned.
Learn about robots.txt files. Next: Create a robots.txt file. ... The file uses theRobots Exclusion Standard, which is a protocol with a small set of commands that can be used to indicate access to your site by section and by specific kinds of web crawlers (such as mobile crawlers vs desktop crawlers).
What is a robots txt file?
Web site owners use the /robots.txt file to give instructions about their site to webrobots; this is called The Robots Exclusion Protocol. The "User-agent: *" means this section applies to all robots. The "Disallow: /" tells the robot that it should not visit any pages on the site.What is the use of robots txt file in SEO?
Robots.txt is a text file webmasters create to instruct web robots (typically search engine robots) how to crawl pages on their website.What is Google robots txt?
Learn about robots.txt files. Next: Create a robots.txt file. ... The file uses theRobots Exclusion Standard, which is a protocol with a small set of commands that can be used to indicate access to your site by section and by specific kinds of web crawlers (such as mobile crawlers vs desktop crawlers).
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